Ask yourselves who are the masterminds of this criminal fraud and massive money making SCAM? Yeah, the same egoists that dominate our corrupted politics in US, Canada, Europe and most of the world, the Jewish lobbyists, the World Jewish Congress, the globalists, the elites, the Deep State, whatever you want to call them...the same blood sucking, money loving, power hungry and super intelligent egoistic race of demonic snakes that lurk in our fake governmental system.
And that ladies and gentlemen is a HARD PROVEN FACT!
God made me a WatchmanForTruth .
I'll be damned if I ever apologize for speaking the truth. Not a chance in hell. I would rather die than cower like a spineless afraid of these mentally and criminally insane mind controllers, chanters of anti-Semitsm and their never ending Holocaust BS?
I know the hard truths...I've done all the research. Adolf Hitler exterminated the most viciously cruel, vile and evil conspiratorial race the world has ever known, but the real numbers were highly exaggerated. A young Jewish kid by the name of David Cole who went on a talk show back in the eighties exposed this lie. The real estimated number were about 200,000 not the regurgitated 6 million. Yes I do empathize with many Jewish people, but look around us, many more millions and billions of innocent families, children, babies and even pregnant women are being decimated in the most sickest and horrific ways imaginable under the guise of some SarsCov2 coronavirus or variants?
The variants are coming from the VAXXINATED not some bat or Wuhan lab! It's these genetically altering death shots, biological weapons created by DARPA and the US DoD that's causing genetic manipulations and mutations of millions of innocent and naive people worldwide. We already have an estimate of at least 20 MILLION DEAD and many Billions seriously injured! does that sound like protection of some virus that we can never ever catch because virus don't work that way?
They've made billions and billions of blood dollars stealing us taxpayers all blind to enrich themselves mass murdering millions of people in China, in US, Canada, Europe, everywhere. The video's on My Bitchute channel are horrific. Search under Playlist, Go to:, you may need to open an account and sign in to see the videos, click on lion face logo at top right, scroll down to Playlist and look for covid vaccines, deaths injuries etc...I have many sub categories to watch.
Truly horrific and factually true. All documented facts.
None of you will believe this, I couldn't believe it when I first discovered this SCAM! My own father was an Electronic Harassment victim. Talking insane things about, machines or cars picking up his voice and recording his voice and people on the other side of the wall listening to him, watching him. Want to see what else Psychiatry really is? A massive multi billion dollar DSM SCAM!!!! Every illness, disease and especially mental illnesses, all created for more Psychiatric Drugs that causes even more Psychiatric illness! It's a huge annual global CA$H COW BU$INE$$!!! CCHR.org
DON'T BE FOOLED! Vitamins and organic coconut oil has amazing healing power for the human brain, it can even reverse alzeimers. NOT pharmakeia PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS that not only shrinks the brain, damages the nerves and proper brain function communications but causes long term usage and even more depression and psychiatric illnesses. I had a friend in his 60's who's 50ish girlfriend was on psychiatric drugs and her son. She hung herself in my friends home from the door handle. My God, he went into a massive depression...took him weeks to get over the shock!
Try weening off these could take many months or even YEARS! Watch a few video's...
It's not just about the money, it's also--perhaps even more so--about control.
There's a local story I've been watching, in which "psychiatry" is being weaponized to go after a woman who dared to protest the conduct of VIPs. The facts are a little murky, but even assuming the worst for sake of discussion, they want to make an example of her. Hopefully, she contacts CCHR (I've followed them for years) and they connect her with a real attorney, not just another government employee (Public Pleaders, I call the vast majority of 'em):
Related, is that psych drugs create horrendous problems, so that people are diverted and focus on the created problems (eg helping a family member) rather than taking on the other nefarious activities engaged in by the puppetmasters.
I agree with you Terry L. Clark. Everything with these mentally insane criminally insane supremacist, Nazi egoists is about CONTROL! They will never control me, not now, not ever, to my last dying breathe...not a chance in hell! My souls is already in God's hands, I stand with Jesus forever and ever.
I'm hopeful that Dr. Breggin, Dr. Jane, and the rest, will go after the attorneys that brought the lawsuits. The Supremes have been quite clear over the years about what is Protected Speech, who are Public Figures, and so on. And there's the separate question of whether Dr. Breggin even said/wrote some of the things he is accused of saying/writing.
Ask yourselves who are the masterminds of this criminal fraud and massive money making SCAM? Yeah, the same egoists that dominate our corrupted politics in US, Canada, Europe and most of the world, the Jewish lobbyists, the World Jewish Congress, the globalists, the elites, the Deep State, whatever you want to call them...the same blood sucking, money loving, power hungry and super intelligent egoistic race of demonic snakes that lurk in our fake governmental system.
And that ladies and gentlemen is a HARD PROVEN FACT!
God made me a WatchmanForTruth .
I'll be damned if I ever apologize for speaking the truth. Not a chance in hell. I would rather die than cower like a spineless afraid of these mentally and criminally insane mind controllers, chanters of anti-Semitsm and their never ending Holocaust BS?
I know the hard truths...I've done all the research. Adolf Hitler exterminated the most viciously cruel, vile and evil conspiratorial race the world has ever known, but the real numbers were highly exaggerated. A young Jewish kid by the name of David Cole who went on a talk show back in the eighties exposed this lie. The real estimated number were about 200,000 not the regurgitated 6 million. Yes I do empathize with many Jewish people, but look around us, many more millions and billions of innocent families, children, babies and even pregnant women are being decimated in the most sickest and horrific ways imaginable under the guise of some SarsCov2 coronavirus or variants?
The variants are coming from the VAXXINATED not some bat or Wuhan lab! It's these genetically altering death shots, biological weapons created by DARPA and the US DoD that's causing genetic manipulations and mutations of millions of innocent and naive people worldwide. We already have an estimate of at least 20 MILLION DEAD and many Billions seriously injured! does that sound like protection of some virus that we can never ever catch because virus don't work that way?
They've made billions and billions of blood dollars stealing us taxpayers all blind to enrich themselves mass murdering millions of people in China, in US, Canada, Europe, everywhere. The video's on My Bitchute channel are horrific. Search under Playlist, Go to:, you may need to open an account and sign in to see the videos, click on lion face logo at top right, scroll down to Playlist and look for covid vaccines, deaths injuries etc...I have many sub categories to watch.
Truly horrific and factually true. All documented facts.
None of you will believe this, I couldn't believe it when I first discovered this SCAM! My own father was an Electronic Harassment victim. Talking insane things about, machines or cars picking up his voice and recording his voice and people on the other side of the wall listening to him, watching him. Want to see what else Psychiatry really is? A massive multi billion dollar DSM SCAM!!!! Every illness, disease and especially mental illnesses, all created for more Psychiatric Drugs that causes even more Psychiatric illness! It's a huge annual global CA$H COW BU$INE$$!!!
DON'T BE FOOLED! Vitamins and organic coconut oil has amazing healing power for the human brain, it can even reverse alzeimers. NOT pharmakeia PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS that not only shrinks the brain, damages the nerves and proper brain function communications but causes long term usage and even more depression and psychiatric illnesses. I had a friend in his 60's who's 50ish girlfriend was on psychiatric drugs and her son. She hung herself in my friends home from the door handle. My God, he went into a massive depression...took him weeks to get over the shock!
Try weening off these could take many months or even YEARS! Watch a few video's...
It's not just about the money, it's also--perhaps even more so--about control.
There's a local story I've been watching, in which "psychiatry" is being weaponized to go after a woman who dared to protest the conduct of VIPs. The facts are a little murky, but even assuming the worst for sake of discussion, they want to make an example of her. Hopefully, she contacts CCHR (I've followed them for years) and they connect her with a real attorney, not just another government employee (Public Pleaders, I call the vast majority of 'em):
Related, is that psych drugs create horrendous problems, so that people are diverted and focus on the created problems (eg helping a family member) rather than taking on the other nefarious activities engaged in by the puppetmasters.
I agree with you Terry L. Clark. Everything with these mentally insane criminally insane supremacist, Nazi egoists is about CONTROL! They will never control me, not now, not ever, to my last dying breathe...not a chance in hell! My souls is already in God's hands, I stand with Jesus forever and ever.
I'm hopeful that Dr. Breggin, Dr. Jane, and the rest, will go after the attorneys that brought the lawsuits. The Supremes have been quite clear over the years about what is Protected Speech, who are Public Figures, and so on. And there's the separate question of whether Dr. Breggin even said/wrote some of the things he is accused of saying/writing.