TV was on today, not my doing. The pretty young “news” teaser announced with a straight face …. “the raccoon dog did it.”

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I'm not sure what's worse, if they believe what they say, or if they know they are lying but somehow rationalize in their mind what they are doing ("just following orders", "food for the kids", "someone else would do it if I don't so why not", "gotta pay the bills", and so on).

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I know, the best we can do is a big ol’ eye roll.

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I hope we can do more than roll our eyes while they massacre us physically and control the survivors both physically and mentally. But it's a very slippery slope. Whether "Reeducation Camps", by whatever name, are "A Good Thing", shouldn't depend on a calculation of whether the ends justify the means. Is "Culling The Herd" of sociopaths really any better than culling it of "Useless Eaters"? And yet, societies aren't organized to create a "Mutual Suicide Pact" or "Agreement For Mutual Enslavement". Self-Defense is pretty fundamental to human existence, altho yes there are some extreme pacifists who would opt out rather than stand up. If there is a "Great Awakening" occurring, and I'm cautiously optimistic that there is, there are still a lot of things to work and figure out.

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