Aug 28Liked by Terry L. Clark

My mother lost her son to suicide when he was 13 and mom was 33 at the time. She found him hanging in the garage.

My family is surprised that I made it through the years of abuse, dad too. Mom was 40 when she had me and dad was 44. Both my parents are gone. Dad is still highly missed, he was my best friend. As for mom, I did get an apology from her for her abuse towards me and my father, but the news of the apology came too late for dad to hear. He did believe in his vows though, "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health." Cancer got dad at 72. Mom knew her death was going to happen before she turned 89 and it happened before she turned that age by a few months, actually on the day of my parents' anniversary. She wanted to see her son again and I was told that she had a smile on her face when she was found, I think she did.

Mom wished her son lived and reminded me a lot about what a good child he was and how he is her favorite child. He was her pride and joy. She wanted control of me and I rebelled. Me and dad never hit her nor threatened her, I didn't want to follow in her footsteps and dad believed in his vows despite the umpteen times I told him to divorce her and to give me a nice mom. I had a lot of close calls with her, my mother, will I live today or die today? Will dad? We hid our troubles and lied about our marks.

The title of this book, I wonder if my mother would even consider reading it or listening to it if she was alive. I kept in contact with her due to dad's last wish to me and I honored it despite not really wanting to. I held onto many horrible memories and unfortunately I don't remember good ones. I basically listened to her tell me what is going on with her and her complaints about others. I wanted to bring up some past stuff but decided against it since it was the past.

Please excuse my story that I added beyond the scope of this post. I just wonder if something like this would have helped her or bring her back to the pain of losing her pride and joy.

Mom was born in 1933 in Russia, her son in 1953, and I in 1973. I'm Russian but I am never in a hurry! LOL

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Aug 28Liked by Terry L. Clark

Interesting read indeed! I love this quote..."If this is medical science, a duck is a rocket ship."

I have a family member that was on Prozac, he did become violent so he was taken off of it and everyone lived.

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A person has to be receptive to new information. I doubt the book would have worked for your Mom because the issues were complicated, and it might have made her other issues worse.

A top-notch one-on-one counselor, and a lot of time, might have worked wonders. But they're hard to find. I remember reading the ads in the local Isis Scrolls and laughing, with sadness, at the hucksters selling a manufactured image of themselves. But never results.

Modern "Psychiatry"? Mostly drugs. And worse.


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Aug 28Liked by Terry L. Clark

With both my parents escaping war in USSR, Russia/Ukraine, they escaped to other countries until they were given Visas to come to the USA in 1950 and 1951. Dad and my uncle considered themselves Russian even though they are born in Ukraine. I don't know the languages that they knew. They did learn multiple languages depending upon where they escaped to and from. I'm American made and American born so I don't have their accent nor do I know much about their history. As for what is going on with Russia and Ukraine currently, I just know that they are shaking their heads and wish for peace since they experienced it before.

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Aug 28Liked by Terry L. Clark

Oh yeah, the "Hoogala Boogala Disorders." LOL Is this medication working for you? Let's try this one instead but it causes these side effects so you will need this, this, and this. Still interested? Then we'll add these to your regime. Oh, and don't forget to eat since all these pills ("medications") will fill you up. When filling out your medical history, check off all the labels you are called so the more you tell us, the more we get to charge to serve you. Thanks for being a superb patient.

By the way, take this LOL test...you now have:

1 - Repetitive Amnestic Behavior Syndrome With Incontinence (RABSWI)

RABSWI is defined as involving frequently repeated thoughts and behavior characterized by an aberrant inability to remember significant events or facts when engaged in real-world activities, combined with an inability to control one's own bladder.

2 - Delusional Antisocial Anxiety Syndrome With Flatulence (DAASWF)

DAASWF is usually associated with unreal thoughts, visions or voices compromised by an unhealthy urge to avoid being near human beings that occurs during episodes of extreme mental or emotional stress, interrupted by intermittent explosions of methane gas from the anus.

3 - Dysphoric Developmental Deficit Syndrome (DDDS)

DDDS is primarily characterized by the presence of sub-euphoric mental symptoms compromised by a childhood trauma impacting adult behavior that exists at sub-optimal levels.

I guess I have to stop generating these "diseases", I'm getting scared of becoming a "hypochondriac."

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