A local HELLspital issued a press release crying about how they need more patients—or maybe, after cutting through the crapola, it comes down to really wanting more money.
Perhaps the HELLspital should stop giving Remdesivir to those who thought they were going to receive treatment that would improve their condition, not terminate their life. Then the patient numbers wouldn't be Dropping as Suddenly.
It may be a blessing if people wake up. “Home Health”, especially in Humboldt County, California—there's no reason to think this isn't going on across the nation—has long been the jackboot in the door through which seniors soon find themselves hauled off to Euthanasia Chambers (“nursing homes”) after the victim's health declines due to the nonstop pushing of pharmaceuticals. Or the “patient” becomes too much work, and it's easier to force them out of their home and to an early painful death under the pretense of “providing a higher level of care”.
Communities need to find ways to genuinely keep people in their homes, providing healing rather than nonstop deadly drugs. It won't be easy, and you don't have to go back to the 1930s to see that more government isn't the answer, just a Final Solution for an aging population. But it's an important part of getting to where we, as a species, can call ourselves “civilized” and be worthy of that term.
At least it's admittedly not news coverage, to the extent that even exists anymore. Rather, the piece is accurately noted to be a "Press release from the Mad River Community Hospital:"
“'The decision to suspend providing home health services was a difficult one, and a decision neither I, our leadership team, nor our Board took lightly' stated Doug Shaw, Mad River’s Chief Executive Officer. 'Rural hospitals throughout California are financially struggling in the aftermath of the pandemic, and Mad River is no different. Costs are at an all-time high, while patient volumes have yet to return to pre- pandemic levels and reimbursement rates have failed to keep up with inflation over the last 10 years.'"
they came damn close to killing my husband a year ago, they oxygen starved him long enough that his memory is still affected. Fortunately the attending "dr" wanted the weekend off and a sub quickly found that he had pneumonia, not covid and changed his (non)treatment to something that got him back on the road to recovery.