Naomi Wolf has a very thoughtful and insightful essay on one of the more subtle effects of the CV1984 bioweapon. A short excerpt:
"I raise this issue of how we bond, because what I am seeing in many of the human beings around me is: a failure, dissolution or diminution of physical and psychological bonding. Parents are losing the bonds with children and lovers and spouses seem to have lost bonding with one another as well."
I have noticed this for many years. Sometimes the finger is pointed at mass media, especially television.
At other times, painkillers are cited as a leading cause of the diminution of empathy--that if we cannot feel pain ourselves, how can we feel it, and identify with it, in others? But that conveniently ignores the fact that the pharmaceutical era has brought about a serious deterioration in health, where pain is more common. Those who cause the problem offer the "cure" once again.
Perhaps earlier "vaccines" were used to likewise disintegrate society. They certainly worked synergistically with other modalities, such as GMOs, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, artificial sweeteners, etc.. Whatever the cause(s), that trend has dramatically accelerated with CV1984.
Three standouts from the “Comments” section of Naomi's essay:
Unveiling the Legend of the Night Marchers: Why Lahaina Will Be Haunted (3:09)
The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea: Charles, Prince of Wales, Foretold (SECOND EDITION) by Tim Cohen
Naomi's essay is well worth your time reading, along with the Comments section.
it's the shots....