Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has a "Poll" on his FB Page asking whether he should run for President as a "Democrat" in 2024. There are certainly still some good people in that “party”, people who share some of the ideals of the best that party had to offer—John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Paul Wellstone, who of course were all eliminated. But much of that is a combination of tradition, some Stockholm Syndrome, and the fact that the "Republican" brand of the two-winged monster has many vile reptilians, eg Romney, Ryan, McConnell, the Bu$hes, the Cheneys, and lots more. In fact, RFK Jr. has very little in common with the Democrat "party" as presently constituted.
A reminder of the modern history of the “Democrat Party”:
"The notion that American democracy was not wounded by the assassination of its President is supported by the fact that virtually every segment of the establishment - right, left, and center - lined up to support the mystery cover-up and participate in the pseudo-debate. Not a single member of the Kennedy Administration resigned in protest over what had been done. Not a single member of Congress resigned in protest. Not a single judge in the entire country, not to mention a single justice of the Supreme Court, resigned in protest over the role of the Chief Justice of the United States in this case. The President's brother did not resign in protest, and the entire Kennedy family publicly accepted the Warren Report, albeit with their behind-the-scenes maneuvering and their delayed and lukewarm endorsements. Not a single editor of a major newspaper resigned over being forced to swallow this obviously phony story."
-E. Martin Schotz, "History Will Not Absolve Us", page 17
In the 1960s, many of the rank-and-file of the “Democratic Party”--but not then or now its hierarchy—were strongly principled. It's easy, perhaps “coincidentally convenient” is the better term, to forget that. Add to your reading list James W. Douglass' “JFK And The Unspeakable: Why He Died And Why It Matters”. Douglass' book is well worth reading for many reasons. One of those is its reminder that President Kennedy had immense support among the public. He was raising consciousness, bringing about change. President Kennedy threatened peace, and much of the public was joining him on that journey. He had to go.
Yes, the hit by the equivalent of La Cosa Nostra masquerading as "government" was a consensus among the elites, but peace was the last straw.
RFK Jr.'s father had similar broad support among the public. You can't CNN the turnout, both when Senator Kennedy was alive, and when he was taken to his final resting place.
Senator Kennedy was executed for the same reasons President Kennedy was overthrown as would be seen in a banana republic. Plus, Bobby was going to expose the truth of his brother's murder. None of that would be allowed.
Paul Wellstone's removal is more nuanced. Was Senator Wellstone assembling a group of Senators that would actually stand up to the Bu$h-Cheney regime? Or would enough of the other Senators have wimped out anyhow, just like they did following Wellstone's death? Was the bigger threat that the general public was coming out in meaningful numbers in opposition to the invasion of, and mass murder in, Iraq? Perhaps the control grid was not endangered at that point, and Wellstone was Terminated With Extreme Prejudice as a message, "Don't get any ideas". Probably a combination of the above.
RFK Jr. is certainly well aware of all this, and much more. So why? One possible scenario is that RFK Jr. has the 2024 Primary stolen, and then becomes Donald Trump's VP in a “Coalition For America Ticket”. Pure but intriguing speculation.
I Posted the following yesterday in response to RFK Jr.'s “Poll”:
Until we have honest elections, I think you can do far more for America from where you are now. 2000, 2004, what happened to Ron Paul in 2008 & 2012, and of course 2020. And numerous House and Senate steals during (and before) that time.
I could almost stomach Trump with RFK Jr as VP.