Returning To Some Of Our Less-Tangled Roots
Naomi Wolf has long been one of my favorite modern writers. See, for example, "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries" and "The Bodies of Others; The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against The Human".
Long before the IRS and FEMA—without resistance from most businesses, er “churches”--were revealed to be calling the shots, many felt no connection with the “Cartoon” or “Corporate” versions of religion. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the last whose words resonated with spirituality. After his removal, he was replaced in the media with Charles Manson, the illusion of Guyana, and pedophile priests running amok.
Whether we are seeing a renaissance of actual spirituality, or just the same old moving of the pawns to divide and conquer, is unclear. If people of good conscience do their homework, rather than just self-program with what they are being fed, it may all work out whatever the intent of Buffalo Bob.
Naomi takes us back to some of our roots. Be sure to catch the Link toward the end of the article, where she reads some excerpts.
“I was searching for the earliest English translation of the Bible from the Hebrew — because, of course, I am seeking guidance and comfort in a time of chaos and crisis. The Great Bible is the earliest translation. But the 1560 Geneva Bible, which I have been reading, has completely astonished me.”
“It was compiled by Protestant dissidents who had fled England under Queen Mary Tudor’s ("Bloody Mary’s") reign--seeking to avoid martyrdom. They put together this translation from the Hebrew while gathered in Switzerland. They wrote it so that anyone literate could understand it--and added, for the first time, cross-references and marginal notes, and even maps.
This version is the one used by William Shakespeare, John Donne, John Milton-- but also by the Puritans, and by our own Founders.
As I read it, I understood why the Geneva Bible was banned by King James, who commissioned the official — beautiful but state-sanctioned — King James Version. The Geneva Bible is incredibly subversive and liberating, and awe-inspiring, just as the original Hebrew is transformational and liberating and awe-inspiring. Reading it, I understood why the Puritans would give up everything and sail across unknown seas to create a sacred community in the wilderness. I understood what gave our Founders the courage to challenge the greatest Empire on earth at that time.”