Protecting Against Graphene Oxide
The Exposé has an excellent article on Graphene Oxide, one of the toxic ingredients in the CV1984 bioweapon.
There are three components to the article: 1) The nature of the problem; 2) How to get rid of Graphene Oxide; 3) How to protect yourself.
On first glance, it looks like a long article, and in a sense it is. But the article takes an immense amount of research and puts it all in one place, in a concise form that most can easily understand; and that the advanced will greatly appreciate, especially with its Links to additional material.
One minor quibble: While the article lists Quercetin as a useful supplement, and it is, you can get Quercetin with Bromelain for practically the same price, and Bromelain has separate health benefits.
This is an article you should read and act on now. Read at least through the “Understanding The Connection Between EMF, 5G, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels and Covid” section. It gets rather technical after that, useful but not crucial information.
I'll write more about it soon, but there is an “Emergency Alert Test” coming on October 4, 2023, at 11:20 am Pacific Time, and if you think FEMA and the FCC have your best interests at heart, you should sign that card now so your remains can go to some medical school for analysis, or perhaps be used as evidence at Nuremberg 2. At the same time, update your Will to remember me kindly and I'll be better able to carry on the fight after you're gone. And with a decent bequeathment, I'll even write a nice In Memoriam honoring your sacrifice that you mistakenly thought was actually for The Greater Good.