New FREE Series From Jonathan Otto – Cancer Secrets – Episode 1 Available Now Through Tuesday, March 5th at 5 pm Pacific Time
When I initially saw an email from Jonathan about the upcoming series, Cancer Secrets, it wasn't clear whether it was a Jonathan production, or whether—as he sometimes does—Jonathan was promoting someone else's work.
Turns out it's a Jonathan project. If this reaches you late, don't worry, there will be one or more “replays” along the way.
It's a 12-part series. The last time Jonathan had a new series out, he didn't make the Question And Answer episodes available for free viewing—a break from Jonathan's previous pattern. So below following Jonathan's email on Episode 1, I'll just list the 12 announced Episodes/Bonus Episodes, and if Q&As are made available down the road, I'll send out a Post at that time.
Let's get to Episode 1 and the Bonus Episode, which are available for free viewing until 5 pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.
Episode 1-Post-COVID Disease Explosion--Addressing The Rapid Rise Of Cancer, Autoimmunity And Chronic Diseases Post-COVID-Vaxx
Episode 1 BONUS-Fueling Recovery--Natural Protocols To Tackle Modern Diseases
Viewing Link:
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
From Jonathan's email of today:
We start this groundbreaking episode with a deep dive into the mind of Dr. Bryan Ardis.
His passion and dedication to uncovering the truth about cancer healing are nothing short of revolutionary.
In this episode, he shares:
"In my journey, I've discovered that the body speaks a language we've long forgotten. Take angioedema, for instance - it's not just a symptom; it's a desperate cry for help from the body. Through extensive research, I found that an enzyme in pineapple, bromelain, can counteract this. It's fascinating how nature offers us solutions that we often overlook. During COVID, the spike in angioedema cases was alarming. Yet, it underscored the body's resilience and its constant effort to communicate with us. By turning to nature, we can find answers that have been there all along. This realization has been pivotal in my approach to healing."
Following Dr. Ardis, Dr. Nathan Crane gives us the major categories of toxins contributing to the cancer epidemic, and advocates for reducing exposure to toxic chemicals in our environment. His insights are a wake-up call to us all:
“I have done extensive research on what is actually causing the cancer explosion that we're experiencing today. All of my research over nearly 2 decades now in the natural health field has led me to 9 major categories of toxins that are what I believe the evidence supports causing the direct explosion of cancer rates. In 1905, we had less than a percent,1%. We had like 0.05% of people being diagnosed with cancer. By the 1950s, that was estimated closer to around 10% of people, and now we're over 40% of people pushing towards 50% of people, certainly in the United States and many developed countries.
It's exploded. And why is it we are inundated by so many chemicals, toxins, and one of those nine major categories of toxins that I cover extensively in my work is toxic stress, ACEs, and trauma.”
Dr. Andreas Kalcker joins us next and advises on the first few things to do after a cancer diagnosis.
He says:
"Once you have cancer, stop sugar, any kind of sugar or alcohol. So this is the first thing. Stop, change completely your diet. On the net, you find a lot of diets for cancer. And check what's the best for you. That's the first.”
Dr. Peter Glidden also joins us and argues for a shift towards treatments that support the body's natural healing mechanisms, and opens up about the failure of conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation to provide lasting solutions:
"There was a study that was published in Australia years ago. I did a YouTube video about it. It got 99 million views. That's a lot of views. And it said chemotherapy, we've looked at all the data, chemotherapy doesn't work. Chemotherapy should be reconsidered. It's an ineffective treatment. Well, guess what? Radiation is ineffective, surgery is also ineffective because it all falls under the 5-year survivability window. And this is the new "mantra" inside of mediocre Machiavellian MD-directed monopolistic medicine. Cancer treatment is a failed methodology because, this is not my opinion, these are the statistical facts. The 5-year survivability for all different types of cancer is extremely low. However, there's a doctor in India, his name is Ramakrishnan. He's been treating patients in India with homeopathy, just homeopathy.”
Along with that, you also should not miss out on Bonus Episode #1: Fueling Recovery: Natural Protocols to Tackle Modern Diseases, where top experts speak the TRUTH about natural and holistic approaches to healing your entire body.
They will also share the most amazing protocols that you can use to combat environmental and chemical exposures that contribute to the onset of chronic disease.
When you watch Bonus Episode 1, you will:
Discover the critical importance of gut health and how detoxification can be a game-changer in your healing journey.
Learn about the miraculous healing powers of a live food diet in reversing chronic diseases and boosting overall wellness.
Gain insights into cancer as an infectious disease and the essential steps to take for early detection and prevention.
And SO. Much. More!
From Jonathan's website, the twelve Episodes are listed below. Note that sometimes Jonathan changes the Episode titles and the Episode schedule. A detailed outline of each Episode is on the website.
Premieres March 4, 2024:
Episode 1-Post-COVID Disease Explosion--Addressing The Rapid Rise Of Cancer, Autoimmunity And Chronic Diseases Post-COVID-Vaxx
Episode 1 BONUS-Fueling Recovery--Natural Protocols To Tackle Modern Diseases
Premieres March 5, 2024:
Episode 2-Toxic Triggers--Unveiling The Environmental Exposures That Are Linked To Disease Manifestation
Episode 2 BONUS-Detox Protocols--Expert-Recommended Alternative Treatments To Remove Toxins From Your Body Naturally
Premieres March 6, 2024:
Episode 3-Mitochondrial Resurgence--A Deep Dive Into Regenerative Medicine For Healing At The Cellular Level
Episode 3 BONUS-Epigenetic Excellence--Overcoming Genetic Predisposition To Disease Through Your Nutrition And Environment
Premieres March 7, 2024:
Episode 4-The Power Of Gut Health--Vital Protocols And Expert Advice For A Balanced Microbiome And Healthy Gut
Episode 4 BONUS-Navigating The Neural Network--The Role Of The Gut-Brain Connection In Optimal Health
Premieres March 8, 2024:
Episode 5-Ridding The Roots--Exploring The Link Between Toxins And Parasites In Cancer And Disease Progression
Episode 5 BONUS-Cracking The Cancer Code--Exposing The Chronic Infections That Trigger Cancer And Autoimmunity
Premieres March 9, 2024:
Episode 6-The Golden Secret--Harnessing The Power Of Urotherapy For Holistic Healing
Episode 6 BONUS-Beyond Conventional Medicine--Exploring Holistic Healing Approaches For Cancer And Chronic Disease
Premieres March 10, 2024:
Episode 7-Bulletproof Your Immune System--Using Proven Methods To Strengthen Your Immunity For Long-Lasting Health
Episode 7 BONUS-Hidden Inflammation--Expert-Recommended Alternative Treatments To Remove Toxins From Your Body Naturally
Premieres March 11, 2024:
Episode 8-Integrative Medicine--Harnessing Powerful Alternative Therapies For Whole-Body Healing
Episode 8 BONUS-The Heart Of Natural Medicine--Addressing Cardiovascular Disease With Powerful Natural Protocol
Premieres March 12, 2024:
Episode 9-Foods For Longevity--Harnessing The Power Of Plant-Bassed Diets For A Longer, Healthier Life
Episode 9 BONUS-Food As Medicine--Uncovering The Right Foods To Feed Your Body And Starve Disease
[No Premier Date Yet Announced]:
Episode 10-Brain Drain--The Root Causes Of Mood Disorders And Neurodegenerative Syndromes
Episode 10 BONUS-The Stress-Health Link--The Silent Connection Between Stress And Chronic Diseases
[No Premier Date Yet Announced]:
Episode 11-Toxic Harvest--The Unseen Threats Lurking In Or Food Supply
Episode 11 BONUS-Hormonal Health--The Role Of Endocrine Disruptors In The Development Of Cancer And Chronic Illness
[No Premier Date Yet Announced]:
Episode 12-Beyond Survival--Mind, Body, And Spirit Keys To Thriving With Cancer And Autoimmunity
Episode 12 BONUS-Thriving, Not Just Surviving--Strategies For Disease Prevention And Total Well-Being
Ordered 2 of the gold packages.
I did not get everything that was advertised.
Sent 5 emails, no answer.