Less “Insurance”, More Lives Saved
“Insurance”? What does Medi-Cal (California's version of Medicaid) “insure”, other than a constant supply of toxic drugs that shorten both the quantity and quality of life?
Perhaps some of those that will no longer be slow-killed through Medi-Cal will research ways to have a better and longer life, and stop committing ritual self-mutilation with pharmaceuticals.
"California will soon restart its annual eligibility review for people enrolled in Medi-Cal, a process that has been suspended since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic."
"People who no longer qualify or who fail to fill out the paperwork will lose their free or low-cost coverage.
State officials estimate that between 2 million and 3 million people could lose their Medi-Cal coverage...[H]ealth advocates worry that many people could fall through the cracks or get caught in administrative hurdles and become uninsured, leaving them more likely to delay or forgo care altogether."
["care"??? The heavy-duty drugging pushed by the vast majority of facilities that take Medi-Death would far more accurately be termed, "don't care". And what are most of the facilities that take Medi-Death? HELLspitals that by law have to, and government clinics. From your paycheck to governmental entities that want you weak or dead. How's that workin' out? About as well as “Indian Health Services” did for Native Americans.]
"Currently, 15.4 million people--more than a third of the state’s population--are enrolled in Medi-Cal, the most ever, according to the California Department of Health Care Services."
[Which is a crushing indictment on how California's economy has been systematically decimated. Carried out by the DemocRATS, Enabled by the (with an occasional rare exception) do-nothing Repug-lickins].
After a Pandemic Pause, the State Will Restart Checking Medi-Cal Eligibility