In It To Win It
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander provides a presentation by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, Linking both a video and a transcript of the talk.
Archbishop Vigano, who has been one of the very few shining lights amidst the darkness in organized religion and many theologians, properly describes what we are going through as a battle between good and evil. He tackles head-on how many religious institutions have been co-opted and sold out. For those hesitant to view the battle in such terms, consider that the forces of darkness, the elites, the Deep State, the Illuminati, the Masons, whatever descriptors you want to use, are determined to bring forth their agenda long in the making. Plans frequently and clearly announced, although many have preferred to ignore or make excuses for those revelations. Darkness fakes backing down a bit occasionally, and will continue to do so to lull the distracted into a state of complacency. Like the Borg of Star Trek, the authoritarian controllers will march forward until, as Klaus Schwab says, “the winners take it all...”.
Choose wisely the side you take. “You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train”
"There is a Chinese curse which says 'May he live in interesting times.' Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind. And everyone here will ultimately be judged - will ultimately judge himself – on the effort he has contributed to building a new world society and the extent to which his ideals and goals have shaped that effort."