Healing Genesis – Episode 2- Available Now Through Wednesday, October 25th, at 5 pm Pacific Time
Episode 2, plus a “Bonus Episode”, of Jonathan Otto's new series, “Healing Genesis”, are available for viewing through Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 5 pm Pacific Time:
Episode 2 - Red Handed--Exposing The Truth Behind The Global Elites' Deceptions
Episode 2 Bonus - Armor Of Health--Shielding Against Vaxx Shedding And Deadly Venoms
Viewing Link:
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
From Jonathan's email:
In Episode 2, RED HANDED: Exposing the Truth Behind The Elite´s Deceptions:
You’ll hear about ALL the deceptions of the global elites according to the discoveries of world-recognized medical experts.
They’ll share the research that CLEARLY shows how these elites have lied to us, And gripped MILLIONS with fear just to push their deadly agenda.
I had the privilege of interviewing some of the world's leading doctors and experts, who will guide us through how we can take back control of our lives and well-being. And not rely on what the gvmt or Big Pharma dish out to us.
The evidence that you will see in this episode will show you that indeed, CVD-19 is undeniably engineered. It was NEVER a naturally occurring virus.
What has claimed the lives of MILLIONS…was all just a carefully crafted weapon for mass destruction.
And this synthetic snake venom that they’ve cooked is now not only in the deadly jabs. But also in our food…water…and even the air that we breathe.
We are ALL not safe!
Episode 2 kicks off with Josephine, who shares her touching story of how she was severely injured by the Pfizer CVD-19 jab.
Josephine, like MILLIONS of other people out there, was never ready for what lied before her.
The CVD jab, which was said to be “life-saving” nearly killed her.
And it caused her to spend thousands of dollars just to find help and healing.
But things just kept getting worse.
She goes on to explain how, for two whole years, she tried MANY “health solutions”.
But NONE could remove what she didn’t know was venom in her body from those deadly jabs.
It wasn’t until she attended the Healing for the A.G.E.S Conference, which some of the experts in this docuseries put together,
That she learned that licorice root, among other things, could help her, and indeed, it did.
In her words:
“I was injured by Pfizer, Batch Number FA 9093 on June 18th, 2021. Prior to my injection date, I had a severe, huge bruise on my right thigh. When I got the injection into my body. I came home two hours later and I started to feel a severe burning in my right thigh where I have the bruise. That pain was indescribable.
I ended up getting crawling sensations, like there was bugs on my legs. There was vibrations internally. There was so much pain and throbbing and burning in my leg that just wouldn't go away.”
In this episode, top doctors Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr.Lee Merritt, Dr. Seema Nanda, and Dr. Andrew Kaufman unpack their discoveries about the global elite’s deception.
How they cooked this virus and further enforced it in the deadly jabs. And MANY other things. They have been caught red handed!
Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes how venoms were used in the creation of C0VlD and the spike proteins.
He says:
“I believe they're just using synthetic snake venoms and putting it in our water and creating C0VlD from that.
What we have discovered is they didn't have to just put venoms in there. They actually used not even a viral vector, they used plasmids with the venoms inserted inside of it.
The spike protein genes are venom genes and they inserted them into plasmids that they could release in the air, water, food, injected into our food and then they put it in the v@ccines.”
They have done everything they can to make sure that NO ONE escapes their agenda.
Dr. Henry Ealy:
“...predicting the future is a fool's errand especially when we don't know all the variables that go into it. So I like to stay in the realm of what I can prove.
What I can prove is number one, that this is a military action. We know that the Department of Defense is heavily involved and has ownership of it. If you just go back to the 1986 National Childhood V@ccine Injury Act, this is an injury act that protects the companies that produce these bioweapons.
What the gmvt is going to do is argue with you that it wasn't the shots [that caused the injuries]…”
When Dr. Ealy told me this, it dawned on me that they’ve been creating deadly jabs for years.
And have ALWAYS denied that people were being injured by their bioweapons.
All for what? The love of money!
The healthcare industry used to be a haven…a place of safety for those who were ill. But now…it has become a BILLION dollar industry and they’re willing to go to extreme lengths to get what they want.
At the expense of innocent people’s lives.
And Dr.Seema Nanda found something horrible in their clinical analysis:
“So in 2005, they were trying to figure out, when they were thinking about mRNA as instructions for v@ccines, they were trying to figure out how do we make it so it doesn't break down in the body? Because the minute it comes into the body, it got shredded by the body.
So they tried to figure out what can we do? What can we modify or tweak in the mRNA to make it stronger so it can bypass the system and hide in the body? One thing they did was they put it in a soap bubble, like a lipid nanoparticle. It's this big fat emulsifier, and it's kind of like a Trojan horse.
So it's very, very tiny lipid nanoparticles, super tiny. And it's encapsulating this mRNA so it won't be broken down by the body. Very, very clever…very evil, but very clever.”
Most of what we've heard from mainstream media and public authorities has been A LIE. They told us that natural remedies and a good diet wouldn't help, and that the deadly jabs were the only answer. We were also told to avoid unvaxxed friends and family.
When really…the vaxxed people around us are exposing us to vaxx shedding.
They claimed that CVD came from a market in Wuhan and not from a lab. But now we know the real story.
They’ve been cooking this for years and because not everyone got jabbed, They’re finding alternative ways to harm ALL of us.
You will also learn more from renowned Dr. Lee Merrit, and Dr. Andrew Kaufma about the same: the global elite’s deception and what you can do to heal.
And as a special thank you for watching with me so far, you will also get access to:
The BONUS Episode 2:ARMOR OF HEALTH: Shielding Against Vaxx Shedding & Deadly Venoms
In Episode 2 and Bonus Episode 2, you will learn:
In-depth knowledge about the deception of our time and what YOU can do to stay out of harm’s way
A heart-touching healing story of Josephine from the effects of venomous “vaccines”
Our medical doctors REVEAL the right way to safely and effectively remove toxins from your body.
And Much More!