Healing Genesis – Episode 11 + Bonus Episode – Now Available Until 5 pm Pacific Time On Wednesday, November 8th
Episode 11, plus a “Bonus Episode”, of Jonathan Otto's new series, “Healing Genesis”, are available for viewing through Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 5 pm Pacific Time:
Episode 11 - Ancient Healing Tools--Forgotten Methods For Fighting Modern Diseases
Episode 11 Bonus - Freedom From Medicine--Take Control Of Your Health And Break Free From The Sickcare System
Viewing Link:
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
From Jonathan's email:
You know, it's fascinating to think about how our ancestors dealt with health challenges in the past.
They had such a deep understanding of how to maintain health and combat illnesses. Their healing protocols were often rooted in nature, spirituality, and an amazing connection with the human body.
Take, for example, the ancient Egyptians, who were known for their advanced medical knowledge. They used various herbs and substances to treat illnesses. They even had dedicated medical texts, like the Ebers Papyrus, that documented their remedies.
In ancient Greece, the renowned Hippocrates had great faith in the healing properties of sunlight and the benefits of fresh air. He would routinely recommend a practice known as heliotherapy, which is basically sunbathing, to address a wide range of health issues.
Greek physicians of that era shared this belief in the significance of light in nurturing both physical and mental well-being. They recognized the therapeutic value of exposure to sunlight, a practice that has, in some form, continued to influence our understanding of health and healing.
Because we even optimize the incredible power of red light therapy to combat chronic diseases and alleviate pain nowadays.
Episode 11 dives deeply into ancient healing tools that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.
To kickstart the episode, you’ll hear from Elizabeth Hoegers, who shares her journey with thyroid issues. And how she came to discover alternative approaches to her health concerns.
Elizabeth's thyroid was initially overactive, and her body was producing an excess of thyroid hormones:
“What the test results showed was that my thyroid level was to the point where I was making too much thyroid and my body was overcompensating.
Therefore, I had to have the Synthroid level cut lower, lower, and lower. So, back in when I first started back in around 1999, I was on Synthroid 10 milligrams. And then it went at 10, went to 25. That 25 went to 50, and that 50 went to 75. And this is over a course of the 20 years, and then at that 75 level.”
Synthroid is a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement.
Elizabeth then explored alternative treatments and came across Dr. Bryan Ardis through my docuseries.
She began questioning the side effects of Synthroid and decided to try different approaches:
“I started with the X-3 nascent iodine. And I quit taking the Synthroid. I quit taking the Synthroid when I think I just came across, through Jonathan Otto, a doctor called Dr. Ardis. And he literally said, "Look at the symptoms of Synthroid. What are the side effects of Synthroid?" And I looked at the side effects of Synthroid, and it was the exact same thing as hyperthyroidism. I said, "Wait a minute." That made me think what's going on?
So I started questioning everything at that point. So when I got my lab results that proved that my thyroid was doing just fine without taking Synthroid, without taking any of the medicines that the doctor had prescribed…”
Elizabeth started using urine therapy, which she believes has had a positive impact on her health.
She found that her thyroid function improved, and she no longer needed Synthroid.
Today, she’s skeptical about the healthcare industry and its focus on pharmaceutical solutions rather than natural remedies. She believes that there are cures and treatments that are kept secret by the industry.
And of course, you and I both know that there is.
Watch Elizabeth as she reflects on her exploration of unconventional healing approaches.
Dr. Syed Haider explains the idea that human beings were originally designed for a natural, wilderness-like environment. And that returning to such an environment could promote healing.
He even advocates for getting rid of your light bulbs to improve your sleep quality and have better overall health:
“Just being plucked out of this horrifying environment and put into a natural environment, that's really all it takes.
Whereas the lights we have, I would basically tell people, stop using lights. Get rid of all your light bulbs.
If you're really serious about healing, just get rid of all your light bulbs so you can't even turn them on anymore. Get all your stuff done before it gets too dark to do stuff. Maybe have candles. That's as far as I would go. Have some candles around if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and that's somebody who's really serious. Again, very few people are going to take me up on this, but I don't turn lights on at night anymore. That's how important it is. It's extremely important that light at night is a toxin. It's an extremely toxic substance, even during the day, the artificial lights or toxic substances.”
Now, it might sound like overstretched advice, but trust me, it’s not.
What Dr. Haider is emphasizing is the significance of light and darkness in regulating our circadian rhythms. He advises against using artificial lights, especially after sunset, and recommends using natural light during the day, because of the negative effects of artificial blue light and the importance of protecting your skin from it.
Joining us in this episode is also Dr. Ed Group, who will be discussing the unexpected monetary value of urine. And taking a deep dive into the common misconception regarding its cleanliness. It's a truly eye-opening discussion that you won't want to miss:
“So in 1993, Forbes Magazine printed an article about Fabio Bertarelli. He owns the world's largest fertility drug-producing company called the Ares-Serono Group based in Geneva whose most important product is the drug Pergonal, which increases the chance of conception.
Guess what Pergonal is made from? To make Pergonal, Ares-Serono collects urine samples from 110,000 postmenopausal women volunteers in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. From 26 collection centers, the urine is sent to Rome where Ares-Serono technicians isolate the ovulation-enhancing hormone.
So as we know it's used and given back. People say, ‘Well, I don't take urine.’
The urine is in a lot of different pharmaceuticals and medications as well.”
And here’s the thing:
Dr. Group hasn't heard of any negative cases related to urine therapy for serious health conditions like vaxx injuries.
Instead, MANY positive outcomes and improvements have been reported by individuals using urine therapy for various health conditions.
So this age-old golden health secret holds so much POWER to heal and rejuvenate the human body,
that we shouldn’t overlook!
Then we hear from Robert Scott Bell, who discusses the abandonment of nature's remedies in the Western world.
All because of the rise of synthetic petrochemical pharmaceuticals that have been approved by agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
“And the purpose to abandon that was to drive everybody headlong into a belief system that their ailments, illnesses, symptoms were all evidence of a synthetic chemical drug deficiency. And they needed to capture the curricula in medical school in order to train these doctors and then license them and create a monopoly practice act or series of practice acts around the country in addition to, basically, capturing the education system itself and eliminating any competitive thought forms in medical schools.
And so that sets the stage for an abandonment, and that sets the stage for modern Americanas boobicanas medicalis, I just made that up, it's a Latin name for a medical doctor to basically write on a prescription pad information that you could take to a pharmacy to get a synthetic patent chemical. And that was typically made from cold tar or oil through synthetic organic chemistry, not organic food chemistry, but organic chemistry.
And so, if you grow up in the West today, unless you have a very unusual family like a mom and a dad and a grandma and a grandpa that never abandoned nature, you've pretty much grown up devoid of the realization that all the medicines that we need are in the natural world.”
Robert Scott Bell also shares his incredible personal journey of transitioning from a pharmaceutical-based approach to natural remedies, like homeopathy, organic food, and herbal supplements.
And emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with natural sources for healing.
He also mentions specific natural remedies like dandelion, turmeric, and ashwagandha.
You’ll also hear from the incredible Dr. Jana Schmidt, who emphasizes the use of natural remedies for various health issues and injuries:
“I feel like cayenne pepper is really good externally. Internally, it helps increase circulation. You may need that in a first aid situation too. Aloe's a great one. I love all the gentle types of things. So aloe's very gentle and can be used topically and internally, whether it's stomach distress or topically with a burn, add a little lavender to the aloe and you have a perfect burn remedy, whether it's a sunburn or you've touched something that's caused it, something that's really hot.
Baking soda is a great one. Baking soda is again, very gentle, very easy, very accessible. All these are really accessible. If you mix baking soda and colloidal silver together and put it on a spider bite or a boil or something like that, it's going to help draw out the problem. You can even add a little clay in there too, if it's very stubborn.”
And Dr. Peter Glidden will conclude the episode by highlighting the decline of ancient medical practices, because of the pervasive influence of the medical monopoly, centered around MD-directed medicine.
And don’t miss BONUS Episode 11: FREEDOM FROM MEDICINE: Take Control of Your Health and Break Free from the “Sickcare” System.
In this BONUS episode, you’ll meet Joshua Coleman, who has journeyed across the country as part of the Vaxxed bus tour, engaging with people from all walks of life, including medical professionals.
And hear from Jody O'Malley, who is a master's prepared critical care nurse, and Michele, who is part of the Nurses Out Loud, as they share their gruesome experiences in the C0VID units.