FREE Kindle eBook - Reincarnation: Understand Karma, Old Souls And Past Life Experiences
From the Free Booksy email list, a FREE Kindle eBook, “Reincarnation: Understand Karma, Old Souls And Past Life Experiences” by Joseph Hanlon
The "Free" part should be good for at least all of today, Monday, June 12, 2023. But whether today or later, double-check and make sure the price is still in fact FREE.
From the Publisher's description:
This book is filled with different perspectives regarding reincarnation and allows you to reach your own conclusions. Does the idea of heaven and hell seem unlikely? The Wiccan belief may appeal more to your spiritual beliefs and offer an alternative view on the afterlife.
Here's a Link to the Amazon listing, which should get Free Booksy their referral credit.
Free Booksy operates much the same as the Robin Reads email list. I previously covered the free Robin Reads email list, which you can read HERE.