FREE - Blood Sugar Revolution Summit - November 2 – 9 And Some Observations On Diabetes.
Perhaps the worst thing about diabetes is the toxic drugs the PharmaDoctors push.
The optimum A1c should be 5.5. Yet here in Humboldt County California, and this tends to be the norm nationally, the pushers foist dangerous drugs, often with the goal of killing the patient, er getting the A1c down to a very UNhealthy 7.0. At best giving lip service to diet. One of my “favorite” TV ads is the one for a horrible drug whose “side effects” are numerous, systemic, and devastating—where the point seems to be that if the patient poisons themselves and gets their A1c down to 7, “their doctor” will be pleased. WTF? I want to be healthy, and so should you. I don't give a FRA whether that pleases any doctor anywhere.
The best site for information on intended, er "side", effects, is WorstPills, part of Public Citizen, founded by Ralph Nader back in the day. Thanks to the lead people running it, Public Citizen has not become“woke” like so much of the rest of the organization.
Besides nicely organizing the packaging that comes with the killer drugs—RxList does that much for free--Worst Pills provides lots of useful additional information for only $15/year. Worst Pills focuses more on the lesser of evils, but there are plenty of sites that do an excellent job on healing approaches. First, the drug user sometimes needs a 2 X 4 to the head to get their attention on what the drugs are doing. Far too often, because genuine health is rarely provided by “insurance”, all that many diabetics can afford to access is pharmaceuticals. Worst Pills lets them make an intelligent determination of how to reduce the medication damage until they can gradually introduce healing modalities and reduce or even eliminate the drugs.
If you want a quick temporary fix, experiment with the supplement Berberine, which typically comes in 500 mg capsules. As of this writing, of the three retailers I usually use, Bestvite has the best price, Vitacost is pricier than usual since they only have the small bottle in stock. Amazon gives you the same price as Bestvite for the 120-capsule size with an extra 50 mg per capsule. Prices change often, so it pays to compare.
Cinnamon is often used to help control blood sugar, but many find it causes significant stomach problems so proceed very cautiously if you try cinnamon.
Not everyone responds identically to Berberine, for many reasons. Some people have a more optimal pancreas function. Digestion/metabolization of food is another significant factor. To experiment, try one Berberine before each meal. If you're having a high-sugar meal, experiment with taking two if your numbers soar too high. In order to get the most accurate information, test your blood sugar before the meal, again an hour after you finish the meal. Do those tests, on roughly equivalent meals, with and without Berberine. Yes, keep written notes. Alternatively, since blood testing usually involves puncturing the skin with what some compare to slamming a nail into the finger, test on your current regular schedule, and look at your overall fasting numbers to see if they're improving.
“A little is good, a lot is great” doesn't necessarily work with Berberine. You don't want to unexpectedly sink your blood sugar to levels approaching comatose (60 or less). Proceed slowly, meticulously, and carefully.
For a deeper understanding of diabetes, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has written many articles on the subject. Years ago Dr. Kendrick wrote a series titled, “A Sugary Tale”, concluding that negative stress, and certainly not BMI, is a major underlying factor. Dr. Kendrick's current website provides his current thinking, still addressing stress as a significant contributor. He also covers the fact that addressing diabetes is much more than playing Whack-A-Mole with blood sugar as the Summit might overemphasize. At the same time, if blood sugars aren't brought under control, very bad things can happen. So if you're dealing with diabetes, consider a deep dive with both Dr. Kendrick as well as the Summit.
The Summit has a segment on diabetes and cholesterol. Dr. Oz, yes that Dr. Oz, on one of his shows gave an excellent presentation on the relationship between blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol: High blood sugar causes damage to blood vessels. To repair the damage, the body produces “bad” cholesterol. Which may clog the plumbing a bit, but beats the alternative of blood vessel destruction. So in reality, your body's intuitive healing ability is *protecting* you from far worse consequences. One of the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel's incessant messages is that your body is on some sort of ongoing psychotic self-destructive binge, and the only thing that will “save you from yourself” is, you guessed it, their drugs! Evil. Thus, blood sugar needs to be under reasonable control, or “bad cholesterol”--still the lesser of evils—will happen.
For a deep-dive into the cholesterol scam, check out Dr. Kendrick's book, “The Great Cholesterol Con” (you can score an inexpensive copy by visiting the used book sites), THINCS--The International Network Of Cholesterol Skeptics, and Spacedoc.
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From the Food Revolution Network:
In the summit, they’ll be sharing groundbreaking insights about:
How to lower your fasting blood sugar
How to lower your A1c permanently
How to lose weight permanently
How to stop yo-yo dieting for good
How to gain energy and feel 10 years younger
How to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol naturally
How to clear brain fog using your food as medicine
The Blood Sugar Revolution Summit helps you achieve all of this by doing one thing: reversing insulin resistance.
In this summit you’ll discover that insulin resistance underlies almost all chronic diseases, and when you gain insulin sensitivity, your metabolic health improves dramatically and quickly!
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