Deadly Effectiveness
Another excellent article from ZeroHedge. Deaths are up, along with life insurance payouts.
The jabs are working as intended. Not safe. Quite effective as to their true purpose.
"As Thomas L. Ryan, Service Corporation’s chairman and chief executive, told investors Wednesday morning:
If you go back in this industry and particularly with SCI, year-to-year you would see the numbers of deaths -- probably in one year you may be down 1% or 2%, in the next year you're up 1% or 2% which you could predict was pretty good accuracy over a year and over a big footprint like ours what was probably going to happen...2020 comes along, Covid, game-changer, right. We're having to do at one point of time 20 percent more funerals which is unheard of in a year versus, let's say, a year or two before."
"What we're telling you is, the third quarter of this year, we did 15% more calls than we did in the third quarter of 2019. That is not what anybody would have anticipated and that has just a very de minimis amount of Covid deaths in it."
"[ZH: It is not just funeral services companies. Market participants were somewhat stunned when Lincoln Financial announced results last week and shares collapsed over 30% after a shocking, and unexpected, $2.6 billion Q3 loss."
"Lincoln National group insurance death payouts for working age in USA 18-64 yr olds. 2019 is pre covid and is the baseline, 2020 covid hits no vaccine 9% increase, 2021 covid still here but now add the vaccine a 163% increase."