Cancer Secrets – Episode 11 Available Now Through Wednesday, March 20th at 5 pm Pacific Time
Episode 11 and the Bonus Episode of Jonathan Otto's new series, Cancer Secrets, are now available for free viewing until 5 pm Pacific Time on Wednesday, March 20, 2024:
Episode 11-Toxic Harvest--The Unseen Threats Lurking In Our Food Supply
Episode 11 BONUS-Hormonal Health--The Role Of Endocrine Disruptors In The Development Of Cancer And Chronic Illness
Viewing Link:
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
From Jonathan's email of today:
We kick start this episode with Patricia Daly, who shares the touching story of her cancer diagnosis.
She was first faced with the daunting reality of melanoma in her eye. Then, she chose to navigate her path through a combination of conventional treatments and a deep dive into the world of nutrition and alternative therapies. She shares:
“Before people had talked about melanoma but they never really used the word cancer. Yes, that was tough. Again, with the treatment as well, it's a very rough treatment. I had plaque radiotherapy where they have to detach your muscles, they have to turn the eyeball around, and stitch a radioactive plaque to the back of the eye. Then turn the eye back around and then I had it in for 4 days and was basically just lying in the hospital.”
Dr. Michael Carter also joins us with an emphasis on the difference between organic and conventionally produced foods, especially because of the popular use of glyphosate and its health risks:
“Eating as organic as possible is really important these days simply because of everything that's non-organic. Let's say the fruits and vegetables are sprayed with glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup. And of course, that in and of itself can cause a leaky gut. But just think about it. It's a pesticide. So if you're consuming this on a daily basis, it's certainly disrupting the microbiome, causing imbalance there, making you more vulnerable to pathogens, and so forth. So we really want to focus on as clean a diet as possible. The other hurdle is genetically modified foods that, of course, we want to stay away from also because that is not a healthy food. Again, the body is seeing these foods as foreign invaders, which can lead to leaky gut and so forth. It really goes back to just eating real food. You really want to stay away from the packaged foods in the grocery stores because at the end of the day, if you can't read some of the ingredients, you know it's not food.”
Right after him, Mary Holland [President and general counsel at RFK Jr's Children's Health Defense] joins us to share on environmental challenges that impact children's health:
“Glyphosate is another food contaminant that is particularly a risky product for children. So glyphosate started to be used, I guess in the 1990s, I think not that long ago, but it's a pesticide and it's produced by Monsanto. Plants were being patented that were resistant to certain types of pests. And you could use this pesticide, glyphosate, and it would basically make sure that there was no risk of pests harming the crops. And so particularly, this was used for corn and soy in the United States, and it very quickly became used pervasively for corn and soy, and corn and soy are in almost all processed foods in the United States. But glyphosate is very disruptive to your gut. It's very disruptive to the internal body chemistry. And many people who are now gluten-intolerant, it's often a result of their sensitivity to glyphosate.”
Next, Dr. Henry Ealy joins us with a critical analysis of the modern food supply and its implications for public health. Drawing on his expertise in holistic nutrition, Dr. Ealy criticizes the practices of monocropping and the extremely popular use of pesticides:
“I think what you get to is that there's really no integrity in the modern food supply because they want to hide what really goes on and just put really good marketing and colorful pictures and crap like that together. But when you look at the corruption of food supply, you have to understand it begins with the excessive use of pesticides necessary in their mind because of monocropping, the absolute vilification of Rudolph Steiner's work on biodynamics and regenerative agriculture, and all these other things that can actually create freedom for people but loosen the control that the powers that be have.”
Next, Robert Scott Bell brings a unique perspective on the historical roots of pesticide use and its evolution into a mainstay of agricultural practice:
“When we talk about the issue of pesticides, we recognize their emergence in the 20th century primarily came about after World War II, the utilization of chemical munitions, TNT often made with nitrogen. They had an abundant store of these chemicals that were not being used as prolifically in bomb-making. So they had the idea of adding it to the soil for farmers. In other words, it's a waste product now if we can't use it, let's sell it to the farmers. So that's where the NPK comes up in the artificial fertilization of the land. Now, initially, the blooms, the plants grew tremendously fast with all of this excess nitrogen, but they didn't count on the imbalance because they were a bit naive or arrogant in terms of conquering nature as opposed to learning from it and realizing it's not only nitrogen that the plants need, they need so much more.”
In this episode, you’re going to hear about why the nutrients in our soil are depleted and cannot provide the same level of nutrients to crops as they used to.
You’re also going to learn how the chemicals they are spraying on our plants and soil are destroying and depleting the nutrients.
You really shouldn’t miss it for anything!
And don’t miss BONUS Episode 11: Hormonal Health: The Role of Endocrine Disruptors in the Development of Cancer and Chronic Illness.
In this BONUS episode, join me as we unravel more about the secrets behind endocrine disruptors, and how we can minimize our exposure and risk and bulletproof our health!
Inside this bonus episode, you will:
Discover the crucial link between cholesterol and Vitamin D with Robert Scott Bell, and how environmental factors and lifestyle choices impact hormone health and cancer risks.
Learn from Dr. Sharon Stills about the misunderstood role of estrogen in menopause and its significance in preventing diseases.
Dr. Mark Gordon delves into the influence of environmental toxins on hormonal development and the foundational role of inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases and overall health.
And. SO. Much. More!