Cancer Decoded – Episode 4 - Available Now Through Friday, September 13th, at 5 pm Pacific Time
Episode 4 plus a “Bonus Episode”, of Jonathan Otto's new series, “Cancer Decoded”, are available for viewing through Friday, September 13, 2024, at 5 pm Pacific Time.
Episode 4-Clearing The Path--Detoxing Strategies in Cancer Management
Episode 4 BONUS-Essential Healing--How Natural Therapies Can Aid in Chronic Disease Management
Viewing Link:
I previously provided an overview of the series HERE.
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
NOTE: Jonathan had an extended discussion in his email about the various packages available for purchase. You can find that information following the videos on his website, Link above. Very good stuff if you have the funds and the time to devote.
From Jonathan's email:
Join me as experts dive more into how YOU can clear the pathways in your body through detoxification… To get rid of disease-causing toxins that are wrecking havoc on your health. So MANY people don’t realize that much of the brain fog, fatigue…lower back pain…general aches and pains, are mostly due to an URGENT need for detoxification.
Our first speaker, Jarkko Haverinen, was one of those people. He joins us in this episode to share his transformative experience with detox and how it shifted his life towards health and vitality. He explains how detoxing NOT only changed his physical body,but also fine-tuned his intuition about what his body needs…He says:
“I believe that I G00gled a lot about organic ways and natural ways to heal yourself. And then I found out about Jonathan's work, and I started to watch his documentaries, and I instantly saw that they're very professional. And what was very delightful for me is that he really had real professional doctors there who had seen the same that I have seen in my areas of expertise. For example, that medicines may not be the only answer. So one of the best things from the beginning was that there are people around the world, professionals, who see the same problems and solutions that I've seen and found out. So I started to look for more answers from Jonathan's work, and it has opened a totally new area of ways to help people and heal.
I believe it was 4 months detox.
And THIS is what started to happen to his health:
"After the detox, I feel that my body system… can feel finer details.
I didn't have any brain fog because of the quite good diet I already had, so not much of that side. But like I said, with the diet, my body gives me more detailed information about everything.
Especially at the gym where I work and train, people started to look at me and they were like, "Are you going to a fitness contest or something?" And I was like, "No, I'm just on a detox." I believed that I looked younger or more glowing."
Next, Dr. Michael Carter joins us to share about what happens in YOUR mouth, can actually be a pointer to whether or not you’re going to get conditions like Alzheimer’s, autoimmune issues… arthritis…cardiovascular disease…and CANCER!
It seems crazy to comprehend but he says:
“The oral connection to various diseases is very profound. I like to do the oral DNA test as a start because it really gives a great view of the various bacterial species that can be implicated in various diseases. For instance, P. gingivalis is one of the ones that are in the highly pathogenic realm for these bacteria, and it's highly associated with the onset of Alzheimer's. And there are a whole host of others that coincide with everything from autoimmune issues to arthritis to cardiovascular disease, and yes, to cancer. And in terms of the connection, that's a very vascular area in the mouth where the roots are, and so forth. And the drainage is from the head down, so the various organs going that way and up, it's a direct shot because there's a seeding process of both the blood and the lymphatic system with these bacterial pathogens.”
A study by the NIH said, “We found evidence that a high frequency of mouthwash use may be associated with an increased risk of oral cancer.”
Following that insightful discussion, Dr. Ben Edwards joins us to discuss the transformative power of movement. He shares the benefits of moderate exercise and resistance training. He also explains how smart movement can enhance longevity and overall well-being. He says:
"One thing that is often overlooked, or I think the motivation behind doing it is a little off, and that's movement. And we use that word, movement, specifically to avoid the word exercise because I think that has some negative connotation, or some folks that exercise a lot, they're actually doing it too much, and too extreme, and even their identity gets wrapped up in it. We like the word movement because Americans don't move enough, and we're designed to move. We are not designed to sit at a 90-degree angle all day long in a chair. It's mostly what we do."
Following that, the amazing Dr. Daniel Nuzum talks about how to balance your detoxing, especially when you have gut problems. He says:
“Dealing with gut issues, we have to be holistic about it. So that stabilization group, and I don't disagree with them, you have to do that, but that can't be your only way of dealing with people. Second group, the detoxers. “Everything's toxic. You got to detox everything. Get all the toxins out.” I agree. My first specialty was naturopathic toxicology.
But detox isn't the only thing. You can't keep detoxing, you have to take a break from that. You got to switch gears a little bit, got to rebuild to some extent. If you take any room in your house and you take one or two things out. One thing out every morning, one thing out every night, even if that thing is packed full, eventually it's going to end up empty. Same thing with the body, if all you do is detox, eventually you end up empty, and deficient. So I don't disagree, but there's a sequence to things. And then, you got the fortifiers,”We've got to load you up with all these vitamins.”
So basically, as you get things out of your body, make sure that you also put in the right things too.
Nutritious food…vitamins…supplements…you name it!
With a focus on grounding and its impact on health, Dr. Henry Ealy joins us to explain the benefits of grounding mats and sheets in optimizing sleep, and promoting the detoxification processes. Dr. Ealy says:
“So the mat is one part of the grounding sleep system that we've designed. The mat goes on top of the mattress, and then we recommend putting a grounding sheet on top of the mat so that there's a little more comfort. The material that the grounding mat is made out of will cause anybody to sweat when they're on it. What we've noticed is that we definitely like airflow, and we definitely need a little less cover. So sometimes what's happening for people is there's maybe a little bit too thick of a blanket or some kind of down comforter or something on the bed. So you probably need a little bit less because now your body is grounding out the alternating current that you're being exposed to from the EMFs. And so now your body is actually charging up at night. There's two processes that are occurring when you are grounding.
You are grounding out the alternating current from the EMFs, but you're also bringing in electrons from Mother Earth.”
Get ready to also do some MEGA learning from Dr. Thomas Lodi and Dr. Diana Wright, who also joined us on this incredible episode.
In Bonus Episode 4:
Dezi Laatz speaks about how essential oils, like vetiver, can help heal damaged cells and DNA, especially for cancer patients.
Dezi Laatz talks about how essential oils can help damaged cells heal and thrive, support detoxification, and remove harmful toxins from the body.
Dr. Henry Ealy discusses the massive impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on your health.
Dr. Cammy Benton speaks about how practices like box breathing helped her manage overwhelming stress and fatigue while juggling multiple responsibilities.
And SO. Much. More!