Cancer Decoded – Episode 1- Available Now Through Tuesday, September 10th, at 5 pm Pacific Time
Episode 1, plus a “Bonus Episode”, of Jonathan Otto's new series, “Cancer Decoded”, are available for viewing through Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 5 pm Pacific Time.
NOTE that Jonathan has already changed the title of Episode 1, as well as that of the “Bonus” Episode. I will do that automatically in future Posts, and will automatically update the initial overview Post, Link below.
Episode 1-The Rapid Rise In Turbo Cancers--A Post-Vaxx World in Crisis Concealed by Conventional Medicine
Episode 1 BONUS-The Truth Behind Vaccines--An Agenda to Suppress Immune Response
Viewing Link:
I previously provided an overview of the series HERE.
Signup Link--Daily email reminders are nice--along with a description of the Episode. (I will be doing that on Substack, so if you are signed up for my free Substack emails, I'll be sending my usual reminders and summaries):
From Jonathan's email:
We kick-start our first groundbreaking episode, Episode 1: The Rapid Rise in Turbo Cancers: A Post-Vaxx World in Crisis Concealed by Conventional Medicine with Randy Knoll, who shares his experience working for a company handling government contracts involving chemical, biological, and radioactive materials.
As a safety officer, he conducted inspections and witnessed mishandling of hazardous substances that often went uncorrected!
“We had clients with a lot of different very well-known agencies, and I'll just name a few of them here. The CDC, FDA, NCI, which was the National Cancer Institute, BARDA, Department of Homeland Security, DIAG, a branch of the military, DARPA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, FTC, FAA, EPA, DOT, the list goes on and on, and a lot of major universities were clients.
They would come in, and we would do project work for them. We had over 11,000 chemicals onsite at the time of my departure in 2021, and some of these were L for Lewisite, GB (Sarin gas). We were on the biological select registry, so we had biological agents on site and we had the BSL Level 2 and 3 labs.”
Over time, he developed serious health issues like respiratory problems, asthma, and hernia, which worsened despite medical treatments.
Next up we have Dr. Peter McCullough, who addresses the numerous concerns many of us have had about C0VlD-19.
He reveals WHY the truth about the virus's origins was concealed and how early treatments were suppressed while vaxxes were promoted.
“People ask him, "Well, did the virus come out of the lab?" and Fauci says, "Well, I haven't ruled out that possibility." That's like asking a bank robber, "Did the money come out of the bank?" "Well, I'll consider that." Come on, Fauci is guilty, he's red-handed. The crimes are fraud, that he's deceived the world on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and then mass negligent homicide. That is, he worked to suppress early treatment to patients who were sick with C0VlD-19, and then he relentlessly promoted the vaxxes which caused more injury, disability, and death.”
And yet such cold-blooded individuals have convinced MILLIONS of people that their bioweapons could save their lives, when really…it’s quite the opposite.
Next, the amazing Dr. Nathan Goodyear, who opens our eyes to the concept of immunity, and how vaxxes are SUPPOSED to prevent infectious diseases.
Yet when it comes to the C0VlD jabs…we see quite the opposite. He says:
“When we look at the vaxx and spike protein, obviously we have to look first at what a vaxx is. A vaxx is something that's used to prevent an infectious disease. And when somebody has had a disease here in infection, that prevention strategy is not necessarily going to work and it's not effective. It now becomes more of an immunotherapeutic because the immune system has already been exposed to the virus that triggers that adaptive immunity already talked about, that memory. So if somebody's had an infection, there's no reason to give them a vaxx that augments the immune system other than you're trying to harm the immune system or you're just not aware. And also, when we look at herd immunity, herd immunity was never defined through vaxx.”
One thing I know for SURE, is that the elites do know that the jabs harm the immune system and they’re quite frankly trying to do JUST that.
I can’t wait for you to hear what else Dr. Goodyear shares because it’s going to put a lot of things in perspective for you.
Joining us next, Dr. Bryan Ardis continues to explore the complexities of C0VlD-19 and its impact.
He emphasizes the surge in rapid and aggressive cancers worldwide and notes how the timing of these so-called "turbo cancers" coincides with the rollout of the vaxxes.
He says:
“I've uncovered along the way in research that helps to define what is the most likely probable cause for initiating such rapid growth of cells in the brain and brain stems and nervous systems of the human body to create a mass of cells. They're going to call tumors. They're so aggressively and so quickly developing that it has been termed turbo cancers both by oncologists and by medical researchers. So you'll commonly see that term being used since the inception and introduction of the C0VlD-19 vaxxes in December of 2020.”
We should NEVER fall into the trap of believing that these outbursts of sickness are normal because they’re certainly not. And TOP doctors join us to reveal that.
Following that, we get to hear from Dr. Brian Hooker, who takes the revelation of the deadly effects of the C0VID-19 vaxxes to a whole NEW level! He says:
“The studies that I've seen most recently show that the rate of myocarditis and pericarditis happening in adolescent males is at least 30 times elevated once you've gotten one of the mRNA v@ccines. Now, the other v@ccines do not get a pass because we know in the United States we have another v@ccine variant called Novavax, it's a protein-based v@ccine. It's the spike protein in a v@ccination solution. But the spike protein clots blood, the spike protein will activate a cell type called platelets. It will cause blood clotting. The spike protein will also irritate the lining of the heart. And so, when you look at non-mRNA v@ccines, they do have myocarditis associated with them as well.”
In case you don’t know, myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, called the myocardium. This can be FATAL.
These are the kinds of insights that the allopathic system will NEVER allow you to find.
They’ll blame your cancer diagnosis on your genes yet only 5-10% of cancers are due to genetics!
This is just the beginning. TWO more doctors reveal the TRUTH that has been hidden away from you for so long.
Along with that, you also should not miss out on Bonus Episode 1: The Truth Behind Vaccines: An Agenda to Suppress Immune Response, where top experts speak the TRUTH about the rollout of the deadly vaxxes.
When you watch Bonus Episode 1, you will:
Discover compelling evidence from over 100 studies comparing health outcomes between v@ccinated and unv@ccinated individuals, revealing surprising differences in chronic disease prevalence and infection rates.
Explore data showing higher hospitalization rates among those receiving annual flu vaccines compared to unv@ccinated individuals
Gain insights into the origins and nature of SARS-CoV-2, challenging the accepted narrative and discussing implications for public health policies.
Examine the concept of scientism and its influence on v@ccine development and promotion
And SO. Much. More!