Blasting Babies
Sometimes, The Death Cult gets downright giddy and reveals itself. Case in point: The headline below from an article in The Nation.
Firepower, eh? Perhaps they will send out Death Squads and blast any baby that gets out of the womb alive. Those that somehow make it despite Kill Pills, and the CV1984 Death Shots.
Maybe a little more subtlety, Nation? How about, "Pills For Kills"? "Firepower", that's revealing a little too much too soon.
Either way, many of us have had The Death Cult figured out for quite some time.
"The Biden administration has finally taken steps to make abortion pills at least as accessible as erectile dysfunction pills."
And this gem:
"...the change should make the safe, reliable, nearly 40-year-old process of medication abortion more accessible to women and pregnant people."
Well yeah, unless you are the living being that the drug is designed to kill. That gives "safe" a whole different meaning.
“Medication Abortion” sounds much kinder and gentler than “Zyklon B”. Marketing matters!
The “pregnant people” reference reminds me of Huxley's warning about government/corporate-created and controlled test tube babies in “Brave New World”? Will they somehow be implanted in men to further the delusion of “pregnant people”?
Biden & Co. Are Finally Bringing Some Firepower to the Abortion Fight