Bearable Truths
Occasionally, the mainstream press and government get it right.
And the bear got it right.
When will humans get it right and start defending THEIR food sources?
"Nature Bats Last". Bill, Klaus, Greta, and their friends at Monsanto might keep that in mind. Nature, like deities, often works through others who have had enough.
An investigation into the grizzly bear mauling a man south of Big Sky last week found that the attack was defensive, Montana officials said Wednesday.
Bozeman resident Rudy Noorlander, 61, was helping two hunters locate a deer carcass on Friday in the Buck Ridge Yellow Mule area when he was mauled by a grizzly.
Officials were unsuccessful in locating the bear following the attack and have suspended search efforts. Bears defending food sources is a natural behavior, especially during fall hyperphagia as they prepare for hibernation.
“The presence of these food sources so close to the location of the attack further supports the investigation finding that the mauling was defensive,” a press release from the Custer Gallatin National Forest stated.
The grizzly bear was potentially wounded, as the two unharmed hunters shot at it after the attack to scare it away. But officials have been unable to confirm if the bear is injured and found no bear blood at the sight of the attack, said FWP spokesperson Morgan Jacobsen.
'Strongest, goofiest guy I know': Bozeman man survives mauling from grizzly defending food source